An incredible experience

Impact: 4
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

Going to Tanzania with GapMedics was one of the best things I have ever done. I met amazing people, saw amazing things, went to local markets and little local restaurants hidden away from the tourists, went to safari and on top of all of this I learnt so much. It's difficult to be able to capture how amazing the trip was in just a few words, but it was simply amazing and I would recommend it to everyone. Before going I was scared about my safety, but as long as you are careful it isn't a problem, and the staff are super helpful and sweet. I'm still in contact with the people I met there, and some have turned into great friends. At the end of my trip I spent 3 nights in Zanzibar which was the perfect end to an amazing trip. I definitely recommend doing the full weekend safari, and going to Zanzibar if you get the chance. The food was great, and once a week there was a big bbq night after which we would go out for a bit. Sometimes we would also go into the village in the afternoon after we were done at the hospital for late lunch or a snack.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would