I discovered my potential

Content: 5
Engagement: 5
Support: 5
Platform: 5
Value: 5

I never thought I could make it! But the courses are so comprehensive, the material accurate and the bibliography so complete that I had everything to succeed. I just needed to start and believe in myself. This experience has been life changing and I hope that schools and universities around the world will recognize the TEFL ACADEMY quality teaching experience. I feel so much more confident and ready to start my journey as an English teacher. I have got to discover new skills and so much interesting websites and materials I am just inspired and feel I have a lot to share now. I really recommend the TEFL course level 5 to anyone who has a good level of proficiency and is curious to start teaching English as a professional. It really is worth it!! I will never forget this learning experience!

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Yes, I would
Year Completed