One of the lifelong opportunities

Instruction: 5
Support: 4
Value: 5
Academic Rigor: 5
Job Assistance: 5

I have spent two great months in bali with my fellow gotocoers, I was just as confused as some of you reading this, this gonna be a scam no? From the rather simple interview process till we met Dehmi, our pick up guy,a Indonesian man offered us cigarette in Bali airport as greeting, “wow, this is really happening”

There are three parts of this greatest summer of my life:
- teaching! As an education major, teaching has always been my passion, it was a great opportunity for me to acc use theories and pedagogies i leaned from textbooks, gonna say its pretty challenging especially with language difficulties but i enjoyed it so much, i still keep in touch with my students who sent me their English learning progress:)

- i met some great great people over there, the friendship aint fading away since we back to the UK

- the views! No caption needed ppl😭😭

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