Participate in Something that Matters!

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

Traveling with OG "Mind & Body" was a completely refreshing volunteer experience. In the past I have worked with overseas programs where I found myself questioning where my money was really going. I didn't have one moment like that in Peru. From day one, your trip leaders immerse you into the culture, history, language, and the lifestyle of what it really means to be Peruvian. Together with your group, you take turns going to the local shops to buy food and prepare it for the group; you work alongside community members doing things their way, to meet the greater need of the community.

Peru was definitely physically demanding, but at the same time physically rewarding. Working together to build a greenhouse was a hard task, but at the end of the week I felt I could really see the vision Christian & Marisol had for Sembrando Semillas. For our other placement in the mountain community of Chuhuay, the physical component was overshadowed by the smiles and the hospitality of its community members. In such a short period the people made every effort to make us feel as though we too we a part of their community.

The adventure aspect is unbeatable. I am not sure you could take a vacation anywhere and experience as much fun and take in as much culture as we did with OG in Peru! Bike tours, sand boarding, Machu Picchu, hot springs, camping, Spanish lessons, local cuisine, zip-lining, white-water rafting, morning yoga and so much more!
Remember what you do matters, and how you do it- matters. If you want to do something that matters, join OG!

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