Peru Winter Break!

Impact: 4
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

Though it was only a two week program I felt I gained a considerable amount of experience; far more than even the last few years living in my home town. It made me a much more confident traveler (taking many different means of transportation and almost missing my flight from Toronto to Lima. A friend and I had to run from one end of the airport to the other, only just making it. I always wanted to do that!).

I feel much more cultured. Being in a place that is so far away from home with so many cultural differences it was amazing to actually feel a part of it. Though I was a foreigner in Peru (and was often called "Gringo" or my favorite "Clear Man") I always felt safe and welcome.

The country itself is breathtaking. I have never seen such beautiful landscapes in all my life. The way the mountains seem to go on forever and the way the sky turns a bright orange as the sun passes behind them. There was so much variety in the land that I was always kept intrigued and surprised.

The OG program itself was very well put together. We were constantly trying new things and every day was something fresh and amazing. Whether it was a three day hike through Colca Canyon, sand boarding near an oasis, or a scavenger hunt through the streets of Arequipa, it was non stop enjoyment.

The volunteering gave all of us a sense of pride that we hold dear. We all worked hard to build a new home and privacy wall for a man and his two loved canine friends. There is much more to it than I initially thought, but with every new day came a new challenge and a new opportunity to learn. With the extra money we had fund raised we decided to buy school supplies for another family in need. Being able to help a family and actually see first hand how much they appreciate it is something I will never forget. Every one of us walked away from our volunteer work feeling a sense of accomplishment and love for those we helped. In their own way, they were helping us too.

The trip leaders were extremely confident and knowledgeable of everything we encountered which gave the whole experience a sense of security. However they weren't only good trip leaders, they were also great friends. Everyone involved in the trip got along so well and it just felt like a big family. It felt like I knew these people for years. Our trip leaders, Laura and Bec, made it feel like we were all equal. Yes, they were in charge of the planning and they guided us through, but I always felt they were just two other good friends we were happy to be traveling with.

THE FOOD! Do not even get me started. I tried so many different and fantastic dishes I don't know where to begin. We received amazing hospitality everywhere we stayed and even learned a few Peruvian cooking techniques along the way.

I enjoyed every part of this program and would love to take part in another OG program as soon as I can!

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would