My 6 Months Living & Working In Bogota as 'Cultural Agent' and Exploring Colombia

Instruction: 5
Support: 5
Value: 5
Academic Rigor: 5
Job Assistance: 4

From January to July 2023, I participated in a 6 months immersion programme in Bogota, Colombia, as a 'cultural agent' for a local NGO, YMCA Colombia. Part of my placement involved preparing and leading English-based activities in public and private schools around Bogota, as well as occasionally in universities and online. As a Gotoco 'repeater', I felt more familiar with some aspects of the adventure. Nonetheless, the jump outside of my comfort zone and into my 'learning zone' was real! While my previous programme (6 weeks immersion programme in Thailand in 2022) had felt very 'idyllic', and the 4 weeks of teaching passed in a breeze, this time around, the experience felt much more real-life, with its share of challenges and satisfactions (from overcoming the challenges). Once the integration phase was over (this is always really helpful, Gotoco is especially good at those imo), these 6 months really felt like I was living and working in Bogota. This involves everything that has to do with moving to a new country for a while: becoming familar with commuting, making friends with colleagues, office life with its learnings, building a social life, finding your favourite spots, creating new habits, wondering whether you'd see yourself staying longer... Without forgetting the opportunities for week-end and holiday trips! Something to mention is the support I received from the Gotoco staff, present in Colombia with us. When things were a bit challenging, it was nice to know there were people I could turn to, even if just to vent. In this sense, going to Colombia with Gotoco was a privilege given the network and structure it offers. It would have been much more challenging to do that on my own.

I would recommend this programme, or any 6-month+ immersion, to anyone looking to go on a slightly more challenging adventure. This is not to discourage you if it is your first time travelling alone abroad. If you are keen to get out of your comfort zone, are curious about other cultures and realities and are ready to deal with uncertainty and be flexible, you should go for it. As cliche as it sounds, going to Colombia was life-changing: it gave me the required work experience to apply to my current master's, gave me incredibly humbling insights into other realities (and into myself) and brought me the strongest relationships I have in my life.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed
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