Great way to get started

Benefits: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Facilities: 5
Safety: 5

TTC was a great introduction for me to China. The staff were helpful and co-operative all the way, and always at the end of the phone if you needed anything. My placement was great too, I had fantastic accommodation and my school were really helpful and supportive.

I am still in Beijing now, 5 years later, having originally come for 6 months. TTC gave me a great stepping stone for my future here, and I got all the help and support needed while I figured out the way things work here, and after 2 semesters with TTC, went it alone and found my own job.

Best decision of my life, I think the length of time I have stayed is indicative to that!! I still have friends I made 5 years ago, and of course lots of new ones too.

Anyone deciding whether to give it a go or not definitely should. I can promise you you'll have a blast :-)

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Yes, I would