An amazing challenge

Benefits: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Facilities: 4
Safety: 5

I found the teaching bit very enjoyable. However, I also found it challenging at times as I had never taught before and sometimes felt overwhelmed when I entered the classroom.
At times, I didn't quite know what to do as the pupils acted differently every day and no day is like the other. In general, pupils behaved very well but got distracted when the lesson slowed down because of my poor lesson planning.
Even though lots of activities were provided by TEFL heaven, it was difficult to remember them all and use them in the classroom. Therefore, I felt like I needed more time doing a TEFL course. The 9 days were too short for me.

In summary, it still was an amazing experience and I'm very glad I did it. Thailand and it's people is amazing and beautiful. TEFL heaven did a fantastic job to accommodate and take care of all of us and their training was good and enjoyable. I ended up doing a PGCE course after I returned from Thailand and will now end up as a German and French teacher in secondary schools. So, I guess that says it all :o)

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Yes, I would