Small Town School Assistant

Impact: 4
Support: 4
Fun: 4
Value: 5
Safety: 5

Without a doubt, this will be an experience that you will not forget. I volunteered at Adehyee school in a small town 30 minutes from Kumasi. The town did not have much, but it was great getting a real life experience of people that live in Ghana. If you want a real experience, I would suggest going to a smaller town instead of the city.
The town was amazing, the people are so loving there. Everybody loves seeing visitors in their small towns, everybody will know who you are very quickly. Everybody will want to talk and meet you, so be ready to meet people. "Brownie" means white person there, everybody/kids know this word so get use to it.
At the school, I was an English teacher and a swimming instructor. Teaching swimming was the highlight of my experience. The kids had never been in water before, and seeing their smiles and excitement is the best feeling ever. Instructing swimming was teaching them lessons that could save a life sometime.
Try and meet new friends that you can trust, but be very careful. Keep your room locked and do not trust people with your stuff. Many people in Ghana are poor and you never really know who you can trust for the longest time. You will have to meet friends though, it will make the experience so much better.
Just some information for future volunteers, be ready to not have all the luxuries that you have been granted in life. Running water and electricity are not always available, but this allows you to enjoy the culture and nature around you.

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