An eye-opening and (very) afforable way to teach and travel in South East Asia!

Instruction: 4
Support: 4
Value: 5
Academic Rigor: 4
Job Assistance: 4

I completed Gotoco's short-stay (two month) program in Vietnam. It was an amazing opportunity to have a funded placement in a teaching environment in South East Asia. Although you are technically a volunteer during your teaching placement, your flights, accommodation during the program, TESOL course and orientation activities are funded. You may also get a stipend to help cover some costs during your teaching placement. Participating in this program with other people in the same situation as you, made the experience a lot smoother and easier to build life-long friendships. I felt grateful to have made an impact to local Vietnamese students learning English. The program is an an eye-opener into travelling and working abroad, and it genuinely improves your confidence in navigating the daily challenges of living abroad. Having never had teaching experience prior to this program, doing a teaching role for the first time opened up my interests to explore teaching as a potential careerpath. It is worth remembering that living in Vietnam is very different to the UK, and so doing this program teaches you to be adaptable and being open to new aspects of living abroad i.e. food, accommodation, travelling, transportation, language, interacting with locals, cultural behaviour and traditions.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed