I had the time of my life

Housing: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

Each day was an adventure. We started of with basic training which was 5 days long. Terry was great at keeping things really laid back and the lessons were more like conversations. We all gave our own input. The lessons included; machete work, fire making, first aid, flower and fauna and more.
The camps that we stayed in were great. Our first camp was the Visitors Center. This was the most luxurious of the three camps. The second, the Waterfall Camp was awesome. It was great to be able to have a good wash and some down time there. This is also where we had our solo nights.I was a bit nervous about it at first but once I'd found a nice camp and had set up my basha I was quite happy. The final camp and the Cave Camp which was where we built the palapa during our project week.
We started our project week with some bushwhacking with Jay. It was tough but we kept each other going. We then spent a day and a half building a palapa as a shower area in Cave Camp.
After a tiring 10 day was the activity week. We did kayaking which was amazing but I burnt my feet really badly. We also went to the zoo which was cool because in the jungle you hear all the animals but you don't really see them. In Guatemala we went to Tikal (the daddy of Mayan sites).

My overall experience in Belize and Guatemala was unbelievable. Since being back home people have asked me if there was any parts I didn't enjoy. There wasn't a single moment when I thought I'm not having fun. The best moment? Sitting round the campfire with my new friends and talking rubbish.

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Yes, I would