avoid at all costs!!!

Impact: 1
Support: 1
Fun: 1
Value: 1
Safety: 5

Please please research the organisation properly. This is not at all a charitable organisation. it functions more as a business and less than 10 percent of what you pay goes towards the goods cause. The dental program and childcare program from what I have personally experienced and come to know are very disappointing. There is no structure or timetable and the placements are all arranged last min for what you pay. In my first week I worked 3 hours for 3 days and in the second 2 days as I decided to leave a little early having realised I really wasn't missing much. 3 others did the same. There was no advertising of a free dental camp before we came out as a half decent organisation would do to ensure we were doing what we paid for. Instead dental camps were arranged the day before at a private school and the coordinators own tea plantation. It truly was a joke to say the least. I emailed the operation head of volunteering solutions with these and many other issues. He didn't acknowledge my issues let alone respond to them. Please avoid this organisation folks and perhaps look into doing something through a church.

Would you recommend this program?
No, I would not