Extraordinary experience

Academics: 3
Support: 4
Fun: 5
Housing: 3
Safety: 4

Participating in this summer program was an extraordinary experience that masterfully combined academic seriousness with the thrill of adventure. As a student from the Netherlands, I was eager to immerse myself in a learning environment that was both challenging and engaging, and this program did not disappoint. The opportunity to visit places like Mt. Etna and the Aeolian Islands as part of our field studies was truly beyond educational. It wasn’t just about reading or hearing about these places; being there, observing, and studying them firsthand brought the lessons to life in a way I had never experienced before.

Despite the program’s many strengths, I found myself wishing for more comprehensive sessions specifically focused on marine biology. The glimpses into this field were fascinating and certainly piqued my interest, but I felt there was room for a deeper dive into the subject matter. Given the rich marine ecosystems we were surrounded by, especially near the Aeolian Islands, there was a missed opportunity to explore marine biology in greater depth, which would have added even more value to the educational aspect of the program.

Nevertheless, the multicultural environment of the program was one of its major pluses. Interacting with students from different backgrounds and cultures was incredibly enriching, offering perspectives I might not have considered otherwise. This aspect of the program fostered a sense of global community and mutual respect among us, which I found to be just as valuable as the academic learning.

Another significant advantage was the ability to earn college credits through the program. This not only added to the academic rigor but also provided a practical benefit, helping me advance my studies and making the summer both productive and enlightening.

Overall, while there was room for improvement in terms of offering more in-depth sessions on certain topics like marine biology, the program was a well-rounded and deeply enriching experience. It struck a fine balance between academic learning and adventurous exploration, all within a vibrant multicultural setting. This summer program not only enhanced my knowledge but also broadened my horizons, making it a summer well spent.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed