Life changing challenge.

Benefits: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Facilities: 4
Safety: 5

I took apart in the TTC Program in Summer 2009, right after I graduated from High School. It was quite a challenge to leave my home country for the first time by myself, to a country so far away, so different.
Therefore, I was really happy to have the support of the TTC team. The first month in Beijing (TEFL training) was amazing and I found friends for a lifetime. Now, 4 years later, I am still in touch with many of them, we met up all over the world and share our China experience. The TEFL training was very beneficial as well and I felt prepared when I left to my placement. I was placed in a "small town" (1 million people) about 4 hours by train from Beijing. In the beginning, it was a difficult transition. From buzzing Beijing into a small Chinese town with very few foreigners..However, my school was amazing, I had lovely students (I taught many different age groups) and great colleagues. I also learned a lot of Chinese and made a lot of Chinese friends. I was often invited for dinner by my colleagues/ students and got to know a lot about the Chinese culture. The work ethic was a little difficult to adapt to in the beginning but also an interesting part of the experience.

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Yes, I would
Year Completed