Experience of a lifetime.

Housing: 5
Support: 4
Fun: 4
Value: 5
Safety: 5

I worked at Ayers Rock Resort in the Northern Territory. The staff at Alliance Abroad were great in helping me find a position and whilst i was there just knowing they'd be there to help if anything went wrong gave me peace of mind. I was told before hand that it was a remote area but i don't think i was quite prepared for how remote it would actually be. I basically lived in a desert for 6 months with some of the best and most inspiring people I have ever met. Every day i climbed a sand dune, which was right outside my front door to get to work, and at the top of this dune i had the most breath taking view. The famous Uluru was right there and i thought that eventually i would get fed up of seeing it but even on my last day i was blown away when my new friends and i sat on top of that dune and watched the sun rise over it, we also sang songs from the lion king as we sat there.
I had never lived in a small town before and with Yulara having a population of about one thousand i thought i was going to hate my new home but i absoloutley loved it. I made friends so easily and they are friends that i will have for the rest of my life. They are the kind of people that only show up in fictional travel stories, larger than life personalities, always up to something, and will and do drop by your house at three in the morning to get you to come do something extremely random, weird and amazing.
I made some great memories with them and i don't regret a day that i was there.
Before i went i was told that the company i was going to work for were really good to their staff, i didn't quite grasp how good they actually were. Meals were provided when you were working, and these were buffets cooked by five star chefs, and when you weren't working you got a discount at all the companies restaurants and supermarkets. Basically when you arrive you're given a residents card and that entitles you to discounts on everything and entry to the residents only pub/club/what ever it wanted to be that night.
Since its such a small community you get to know everyone and since your also working with the people you're living with these people quickly become your family, making working there a job as well.
I'm so thankful for the opportunity i was given to go to Ayers Rock Resort, it was the best experience i could have asked for.

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Year Completed