Santiago - the best place to study abroad!

Academics: 4
Support: 4
Fun: 4
Housing: 5
Safety: 4

I could not have imagined studying abroad anywhere else but Santiago, and going with any other provider but CIEE. Santiago is the perfect city to get to know - it's large enough to have plenty to do and see, but small enough to not feel overwhelmed. Santiago has a very easy-to-use metro system, and the culture and history of the city is fascinating. CIEE provided a much-needed support system while I studied abroad. The staff members (Elsa, Patricio, Claudia) did a great job introducing us to Chilean culture, taking us on trips throughout the country, and being there as a resource for each and every student. I got lucky with the fellow students on my program, who were all wonderful and I remain friends with many of them to this day. This particular program allows you to take classes at three different universities: la Católica, la UDP, and la Chile. I took classes at la Católica and la UDP, which was great as it allowed me to see two distinct sides of Chilean society. Taking classes in Spanish with Chileans can be frustrating if you dislike group projects or hate when teachers and students arrive to class thirty minutes late. However, it forces you to go outside of your comfort zone and makes you become a better student. I had a great host family for the most part, but had issues with one of my host sisters that made me consider changing families (I ended up staying with them for the whole semester). Overall, studying with CIEE Liberal Arts in Santiago was one of the best decisions of my undergraduate career. It is a very challenging experience, and you will still suffer culture shock, homesicknesses, and various frustrations. But if you keep an open mind and stay flexible, you will learn so much, develop a global mindset, and will most definitely fall in love with Santiago. I can't wait to go back and visit!

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed