Lifetime experience

Housing: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

This experience was absolutely amazing! The program gives a really good opportunity to go overseas and work. It is nice to know that once you get here you are not totally alone when you face either work issues or difficulties with the people you live with. Coming from Canada was quite a big thig and language was not a total issue, but sometimes it could be hard. Although everyone was bringing really good support, whether it was with talking over the phone, messages to give feedback or just to see that everything was okay or even postcard correspondence. It was absolutely great to feel like you are not just one random person that that you get personal support.

The negative point that I could see is related to prices of the program itself. No doubts that there is an incredible support from everyone with feedbacks, but once you get here you find out how easy it can be to find yourself a job around and that the agency does not find you a place to live, it is staff accommodation that are already in place with the workplace. Either it was a misunderstanding from my part, but I did feel like with the program they strange everything for it but it's not totally it. Same thing regarding the minimum hours of work that was outline in the "contract"... Even if mentioned to coordinators, I've never heard back from it and had few weeks with less than te minimum hours.

Even though I have few negative points, I do recommend the program,BUT not to people that have travelled before and that either organized everything themselves or either love unplanned adventure. The program is amazing for new travellers that might be afraid to leave or that need all the support that they can get.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed