Awesome time

Housing: 4
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

Everything was great. When I was being helped with selecting an apartment and which area of the Melbourne to choose the program coordinator was very helpful and helped make me aware of all the options I had and gave me excellent ideas about each area of Melbourne as well. So that was a great help right off the bat.

Work was awesome and I felt very taken care of with my practice interviews for the Grand Hyatt and making sure that I was well prepared for what everything would be like.

Day to day difficulties, I would say internet was the main one. For the first few months before buying a portable wifi modem I was relying on free wifi ports throughout the city (starbucks, the state library, etc) so I would say that was a main one.

Other than that I feel like everything was great, being linked up with someone to do my taxes for me after my leaving was also awesome! It just removes that one extra thing before I leave and made things much easier on me.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed