Most amazing thing i've ever done!

Benefits: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Facilities: 5
Safety: 5

Applied for the VTP as a spur of the moment thing (had the holiday blues lol), and it was the best thing i've done to date!
The people I met were lovely and supportive, had some amazing experiences & met some lifelong friends.
I have already been back to Thailand & i'm sure it wot be long before i return again.
The teaching side of it was great, sometimes challanging (as the thai teachers were not always particularly able to help/understand) but the ETA/TEFL team were always on the other end of the phone & helped with any problems.
Stayed friends with several of the staff & fellow volunteers!

If you are considering it - DO IT!!!! You wont regret it! But it might change your life & make your dull old life seem rather boring haha!

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed