Tackling Thailand

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

My entire trip was jam packed with things to do- educationally and leisurely. The medical experience was incredible, and I met some amazing friends on the resort and within the community.

Monday-Friday, I spent my days at Chiang Mai's Hospital of Neurology (the placement of my choice) which was incredible. Each day I spent in a different ward (ie. Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Surgery, etc.) and I was able to learn about the different procedures while bonding with the staff and patients. In the evenings, we had clinical sessions and Thai lessons. In our down time, we explored the local temples and went Bungy Jumping (that was scary, but so much fun!)

The GapMedics staff was very welcoming and helpful. They engaged in games with us during our down time, and even guided us throughout the city to show us the local stores and attractions.

One experience stood out to me the most:
On my last night there, I got on a red taxi to the airport. With red taxi's, they are cheaper but anyone can flag down the driver and get aboard at the driver's discretion. At the time, three people had got on after I did. One of the people that got on was a teacher, and was able to speak some English. After speaking with her, I realized I would not make it to the airport in time to make my flight if they were dropped off first as planned. The local spoke with the driver and requested to be dropped off immediately and paid the driver so that I would be able to make it to the airport in time. I couldn't help but cry after experiencing such kindness from strangers I had just met.

I'm going to miss the whole experience- the program, community and friends that I made. I would recommend it to anyone!

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed