Great experiences in Granada, Nicaragua

Impact: 4
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

Within 9 months in Nicaragua I worked in two different projects:
A library, which sent me to help an English teacher at one of Granada secondary schools as well as in an afternoon school located in a poor neighbouhood of the town.
In the highschool I got to know the school system and everyday life of teachers and students in Nicaragua - an unique expecience!
Nevertheless, I liked the afternoonschool more, as I could work with younger kids that came voluntarily in their free time and were (most of the time) motivated and always really adorable.
In my work and everyday life I Iearned a lot about culture, traditions, and (especially young) people. Experiences that I don't want to miss any more! After six months of living in this beatiful place I decided to extend my time there and stayed 4 more months.

I'm still sure that it was the right decision to start my voluntary work with Proyecto Mosaico as they are very professional but still uncomplicated so that I could work in different projects and stay longer than first planed. It felt good to know that there is always someone in the office that could help you with any problem concerning work but also life in Nicaragua, traveling or anything else.

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Yes, I would
Year Completed