The Best Decision I've Made

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

I traveled with Operation Groundswell (OG) to Peru in May of 2014. It was truly one of the best decisions I have ever made.

Traveling with OG ensured that I would have the opportunity to try something new everyday, get a full taste of Peru as a nation- from mountains to beaches, and tourist sites to tiny rural villages, as well as make a meaningful impact and build relationships along the way. I could not have asked for a better experience.

Our group spent a week in Lima, taking spanish lessons, participating in a yoga and meditation course, exploring the city, and soaking up as many flavors, sounds, and views as we could.

The following two weeks were spent doing meaningful volunteer work with community partners that OG has a deep history with, ensuring sustainability and community input into the work we did. Through these two weeks I had the privilege of living with a Peruvian family for five days, building new relationships with community members and affectionate children, learning more about Incan history, learning many traditional medicine practices, seeing some of the most amazing starry nights, enjoying some of the best meals I've ever had, working hard, and laughing with my group members- day in and day out. It was an incredible two weeks that opened my eyes up to a new way to travel, sustainable volunteering, and the value of community input and assessment. I could not be more grateful for this time.

Following our group's volunteer time we were allotted ten days of independent travel time, an incredible gift at that point in the trip. Participants were invited to see whatever else they wanted to and were able to, on their own agenda. I traveled with seven other girls to see Colca Canyon (the second deepest canyon in the world), and then enjoyed four beautiful days at Paracas beach. We had a blast, and despite minimal spanish skills, gained an enormous sense of accomplishment in traveling independently.

The conclusion of the program took place as the full group conveined in Huacachina, the most amazing and beautiful oasis resort in the desert. Believe me when I say, your breath will get taken away, as you watch the sunset from the top of a desert peak, while the moon rises behind you.

During disorientation (our last week together), the group had numerous intentional conversations about the strengths and weaknesses of our trip together, all geared to provide OG with improvements they can make on their programs. However, with all honesty, as I wrote my own evaluation of the trip, I had nothing but positive things to say.

This trip allowed for me to explore the world without having to leave home for a year. I made some of the most amazing friends. The theme of the program generated dozens of meaningful and deep conversations, initiated and beautifully led by our two trip leaders. I learned countless new things about myself, discovered new passions, and found myself returning home while simultaneously planning my next opportunity to leave.

I would 100% recommend Operation Groundswell to anyone who has a heart to serve, explore, learn, and grow.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed