Absolutely amazing.

Housing: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

I give this program a 10/10 in all categories...and I mean it. Whether we were canoeing the Whanganui River, backpacking in Kahurangi National Park, celebrating the Sevens Rubgy Tournament in Wellington, or doing trail maintenance on North Keppel Island in Australia, we were always challenging ourselves, trying new things, growing closer, and having a blast. I went skydiving for the first time (amazing!), I saw a massive Maori cliff carving accessible only by water (we swam for ten minutes to get there), I fell asleep many nights under the starriest skies I've ever seen, and I frequently wondered if the world could really be so beautiful.

I know that there are an overwhelming number of abroad programs to choose from, but I urge everyone to consider this one. You will love it!

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed