This program is a life-changer!

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

Here's a quick rundown of what to expect in terms of the group, the food, the transportation, the volunteering, and the amazing group leaders.

The group: It's an amazing way to meet great people from a variety of different backgrounds! From my experience, over the course of the six weeks, you really do become very close with your group. I remember it being very tough to say goodbye at the end of the program. It really feels like you've known them a lot longer than you actually have. You're sure to enjoy the time you have with them during spanish class in Lima, the long trek to the jungle, the construction site, and those nights where you just have to just let loose and dance away the night (and many many more fun times).

The food: Most of the time you eat lunches at restaurants that serve delicious local food. For breakfasts and dinners, you will take turns preparing meals, working with a partner. Although cooking may sound like a chore now, it doesn't feel that way at all! It was so much fun going to the markets, haggling over prices to adhere to the budget, and the whipping up a dish that you and your partner worked hard to perfect. you will get the satisfaction of putting a smile on the hungry faces of your entire group. And if you fail to make a delicious meal, don't worry! At the very least you will get a laugh, and a pat on the back from you group for the commendable effort. Chances are though; your group will have such a hearty appetite, that they will eat pretty much anything you prepare (especially after those long days at the construction site...)!

The transportation: The program has a long "on-the-road" component at the beginning. Getting to Iquitos from Lima without any aerial transportation proves to be quite the journey. However, it is a beautiful journey. The landscape around you is constantly changing: from coast, to desert, to mountains, to jungle. This gives you a view of the wonderfully diverse landscape that belongs to the country of Peru. My favourite part was the boat rides. The river was stunning.

The volunteering: be prepared to get dirty and sweaty at the construction site! A typical workday begins by taking a 15 minute mototaxi ride aiming to get to the construction site at around 8am. The work goes until 4pm. The heat is intense and the work is demanding. It really was a challenge, so be prepared. But the physical challenge of it, and then seeing the results of your labor, was so rewarding. So don't shy away because of a little discomfort, take it in stride! At lunch, we were made delicious meals cooked by a friend of the program! This was a much needed hour long break.

The group leaders: I had Lynn and Mikel, and they truly are such outstanding people. They're funny, encouraging, compassionate, and energetic people. You'll miss them when the program ends - I guarantee you.

Those are some of the main aspects of the trip. But there is much much more in store for you, I wouldn't want to ruin the surprise. Go see for yourself! If you want an adventure, and some spectacular stories to tell, sign-up for this program and pick up that backpack!

PS: I did this program without knowing a word of Spanish - so don't let that hold you back! In fact almost my whole group were beginners to Spanish.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed