Best Decision I've Ever Met

Growth: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 4
Housing: 5
Safety: 4

My summers with Where There Be Dragons were without a doubt the most valuable experiences in my life-- and I cannot recommend any of their trips enough. Dragons combines language/cultural immersion and rustic travel so you can really get to know a country's culture and what every-day life is for it's people. It's also a great way to get comfortable with travel and backpacking in general. One of my favorite aspects of the trip was our amazing trip leaders who led us through hikes, learning Spanish, home-stays, the culture and history of the country, and creating activities to help us grow. I also enjoyed getting to know everyone in our group, and all of the wonderful locals you meet along the way. There were definitely challenging moments when we had difficult hikes in very rural areas, but it was all part of creating an amazing experience. Anyone who has done Dragons absolutely loves it and it truly gives you a new perspective on the world and everyone in it!

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Year Completed