Australia and Interning

Academics: 3
Support: 4
Fun: 5
Housing: 5
Safety: 5

I work from 9 - 5 Monday through Thursday and traveled on the weekends. I enjoyed my internship but I didn't care for the commute and public transportation. It was rewarding to get to see so much of Sydney, Australia. Like the Opera House and Darling Harbour. I got to make new friends and build my network for my future career. I work at a travel guide publishing company. I wrote for their blog and website. I also did the events section for their publication for the spring. The first day I was there I got an assignment and wrote an article that was published. Having this internship help me become a better writer and employee. There was a confidence that came with have my writing being used each week. I found myself to be more liberating young woman. When you are 15 hours ahead of everyone you know you can’t call you mom and have her fix your problems. You have to figure it out for yourself.This experience has taught me to except people for who they are. This trip has made me want try to learn something about all cultures and to continue to travel the world.

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Yes, I would
Year Completed