A Life-Changing Experience

Impact: 4
Support: 5
Fun: 4
Value: 5
Safety: 5

I was enriched on many different levels by this trip with ISV. I have a greater understanding and respect for the locals from staying with a host family and learning the way of life and culture in the Dominican Republic. I felt contented by the help we provided; there is always more that could be done in poverty-stricken areas like that, however I feel that the day camp and improvements to the school that we did improved the community as a whole. These two weeks volunteering taught me to appreciate what I have, and showed me that you don't need money to be happy. The locals had many needs and struggles but were the happiest people I've met. I also stepped outside of my comfort zone in the most adventure-packed week of my life; I am afraid of heights but forced myself to do one of the scheduled activities, rappelling down a 130 ft waterfall, the end result was increased confidence and overwhelming pride/joy in myself. The adventure tour made me push myself and showed me the true meaning of living life to its fullest with no regrets.

I am now using the experiences from this trip in my everyday life (appreciating the little things, volunteering more, donating to worthy causes, and pushing myself outside of my comfort zone), as well as in my academic and professional life (I am studying to become a social worker while working at a homeless shelter).

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Yes, I would
Year Completed