IES Vienna- An Unforgettable Semester!

Academics: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 5
Safety: 5

I spent the Spring 2014 of my junior year abroad with IES Vienna- European Society and Culture. I would jump at the opportunity to study another semester with IES! Going abroad opened my eyes to new cultures and how much more there is in the world outside of my college bubble. I had the experience to travel around Europe, ski in the Alps, watch a Footbal match in London, sky dive in Italy and see the tulip fields in Amsterdam. It was the opportunity of a lifetime. I was able to experience rich cultures and history and try new things that I will forever be grateful I had the chance to do!
Vienna is a unique and beautiful city. The natives are all so friendly. There are many markets, seasonal festivals, and the IES School is located in the heart of the city. Vienna is the place to be for music, the arts, or just a desire to immerse yourself in a city rich with culture that will soon feel like home.
The program begins in a small town outside of VIenna, where you meet your classmates and learn about the program. There are lots of outings and opportunities to start exploring Austria right away!
The academics with IES are taught by excellent faculty and offer a wide range of music, econ, psychology, history, arts, and German classes. You start off the semester with three weeks of intensive German, a useful beginning to be able to jump into life in a German-speaking country. We went on outings and field trips for many classes, from Beethoven's house, to his grave site, and could really learn about the place we were living.
While in Vienna I was able to have a teaching internship (they offer many different types of internships that many students partake in!) at a local school through IES. I was assistant teaching English to children ages 10-18. No previous German language was required! I felt like an integral part of the community and cherished this opportunity. I also had the chance to immerse myself in a German speaking cultuer and vastly improve my German speaking and writing skills. My music class with IES had a compnent that required us to visit concerts and operas and write up reviews. This was a rewarding way to engage in all the city had to offer. I took two of my classes in German.
IES sponsored several student trips and excursions, which were a highlight and great way to see new places. Some involved skiing, trips around Austria, and a spring break multi-city trip. There were also museum trips, group dinners, cooking classes, and concerts organized for students to go to.
I lived in an apartment with other IES students and was very well situated not too far from school. It didn't take long to navigate public transportation! In a short time, Vienna became my home. The people were all so friendly and welcoming. The city was clean, safe, and beautiful. I attended a ball, went ice skating by the Rathaus, spent hours in the Naschmarkt shopping, going to mass at Stephansdom, and exploring die Donau, the river that runs through Vienna. The food was wonderful, from Wurst stands, cafes (they are everywhere!) Sache Torte, Mozartkugeln, schnitzel, and more! There is so much to explore in Vienna and I would love to go back and see what I was not able to!
The faculty and staff were very helpful and attentive. I ended up getting sick abroad and felt like I was taken care of and looked out for. I loved my time with IES Abroad and highly recommend anyone interested in studying abroad to take advantage of the opportunity to go, it is a once in a lifetime opportunity to learn about new cultures, learn about yourself, and explore what the world has to offer! I highly recomment IES Vienna!!!

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Yes, I would
Year Completed