
Impact: 4
Support: 5
Fun: 4
Value: 5
Safety: 5

SAVE offers a variety of projects which makes it possible to work at all kinds of places. You can work with children, disabled and healthy, help building a garden in a settlement or build a jungle gym; everything is possible.

During the surfproject I participated in, you start the mornings by working at a creche with children from the age of 2-6 years. If you want you can always ask to go to another project in the mornings. So if you think another project suits you better, or if you just want to work with disabled people for once in your life; SAVE offers it all. This variety of projects gave me the opportunity to learn working with (disabled and healthy) children and do some communitywork once in a while.

During the afternoon I went back to the volunteerhouse, ate a delicious lunch made by Yussef (awesome guy eventhough you cannot hear a word he says), grabbed a wetsuit and surfboard and left to the beach. At the beach you learn to surf yourself after which you can help teach children from a township to surf. If the weather or the waves are dissapointing, volunteers can think of any other sport to do with the children. You learn them some life lessons and the importance of being healthy!

When all the experiences become too much there are enough possibilities to relax. We used to go out to grab some drinks and dance in the evenings or just relax together. When you have the weekends off you have enough time to do whatever you want, a safari, shark cage diving, the movies, mzoli's (awesome!). Whatever you want to do, there is always someone that wants to join you and your programleaders will be happy to call you a cab or just join them yourselves.

To summarize; SAVE is an amazing organization driven by the right enthusiastic people who will join you in great and bad times. You will become part of their family and you will want to go back the second you set foot home.

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Yes, I would
Year Completed