Dominican Republic

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 4
Value: 5
Safety: 5

My time in the Dominican was the most unforgettable experience of my life. I remember my first day on project like it was yesterday. We were the first ISV group to be helping out in this community. So it was very nerve wracking for all of us. I didn't know what to expect. I was nervous about interacting with the kids and making connections with them since my Spanish was still a little rusty. The first day was a little chaotic and there were a few misunderstandings but we got through it like champs. And just like that I was addicted to this community and all of the children. It didn't matter that my Spanish was rough. They just wanted to play and have fun and learn new stuff from us. The first day we took a tour of the community and saw the houses we were going to be working on. I remember walking through the streets just in shock of the conditions these people were living in. I cried a bit on the way back to our hostel, because I was so upset. The shock slowly wore of though and I got used to my surroundings. To the children with no shoes. To the houses with no bathrooms. To the garbage in the streets. To the stray dogs. To the children with the biggest smiles on their faces despite all of the suffering life had given them. We were split into two groups. One group would do construction all day while the other was doing stuff with the kids. Then the next day the groups would switch. The days were long and hard but so worth it. The last day of the project was one of the hardest days of my life. Members of the community came to thank us for our efforts. They were so grateful for us to come and help their community. The principal of the school gave a heart wrenching speech that had us all in tears. Saying goodbye to the kids I taught and played with for two weeks was very emotional. I cried like a baby as I hugged all of those beautiful children goodbye. I will never forget the love the community gave to me. I will never forget the lives I touched. I will also never forget how they touched mine. I carry with me the memories of the DR every single day. Not a day goes back that I don't think about. Best experience of my life and I would definitely recommend ISV to everyone.
After the project I went on the adventure tour. The tour was very rewarding after all the hard work we did. I want to say it was relaxing but it really wasn't. We went repelling, hiking, white water rafting, snorkeling, kayaking, cliff jumping, horseback riding, windsurfing, zip lining, cave exploring, and surfing. Everyday was an adventure. It was the best way to explore everything the Dominican has to offer. From its beautiful beaches to the beautiful mountains and jungles.
Thank you ISV for the best time of my life!

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Year Completed