A course to be reckoned with

Benefits: 4
Support: 5
Fun: 4
Facilities: 5
Safety: 5

The TEFL Heaven course has provided me with some excellent experiences and knowledge which I have been able to take away and use in my school - Yothinburana EP.
Most importantly, this course enables you to meet a number of like-minded people, all of whom are in the same boat. Meeting these friends is invaluable, and has made my experience in Thailand a whole lot easier and more enjoyable.

The course itself is well organised and provides its trainees with the chance to go from knowing next to nothing about teaching English in Thailand, to being fully prepared for the world of a Farang (foreigner) teacher.
One thing I have experienced, though, is that the TEFL Heaven course was largely based on teaching younger students in Thailand, i.e: Prathom (Primary School). This means that the course is perfect for those trainees who eventually are placed into a Prathom environment, but can be slightly frustrating for those trainees who are placed in a Mathayom (Secondary School, ages 13-18).
Personally, having been placed into a Mathayom English Programme and teaching 16-18 year olds, I have found it very difficult to plan appropriate lessons for the students with the knowledge I had acquired from the TEFL Heaven course.

Having said that, the course itself is, on the whole, very useful to anybody who wishes to teach in Thailand. It offers a post-graduate a very unique TEFL course. Unlike a number of other TEFL courses, TEFL Heaven provides its trainees with a guaranteed job offer, and sets out a clear contract for the trainees too.

I would recommend the course for sure, particularly to post-graduates who, like myself, were not sure exactly what they wanted to do after their time at University.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed