What a job!

Benefits: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 4
Facilities: 5
Safety: 5

I'm now 5 weeks into my first teaching job, and it's flown by.The 3 week training course was fun and informative, and really gave me confidence that I could be a successful teacher. Not to mention it took place in a paradise location, Krabi, surrounded by loads of lovely like-minded people! The trainers were fantastic too - I'm still friends with everyone now and we meet up every weekend.

In terms of my placement, I was lucky enough to get pretty much exactly what I wanted (teaching primary in Bangkok). That's not to say that everyone is so lucky, but I certainly have no complaints. Since finishing the training course, the experience teaching abroad team are still on hand to answer any queries that I have. One of the guys trained alongside us on Krabi and now works for them in the office, so I know I can always call him or any of the other staff there with any questions - they are very helpful.

Doing an internship has definitely been the right choice for me - not only did I get my qualification and a guaranteed job, but I've also met a great group of friends to enjoy Thailand with!

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed