An Unforgettable Adventure

Growth: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 5
Safety: 5

GLA was without a doubt, one of the most memorable experiences of my life. I began the program ignorant of life outside of the the United States and completely oblivious to the lifestyle and beautiful culture that Costa Rica exuded. Everyday, I woke up to my three roommates (now, I prefer the term sisters) and hurried into a small shower in our petite, wooden cabin. The living conditions were by no means luxurious or sumptuous, but they more than enough to sustain us for the preceding three weeks. We prepared for a work day, and headed downstairs, where a deliciously classic Costa Rican dish was prepared--rice and beans with sausage. Afterwards, we all headed to San Bernado, a small town where we planned to work on cementing a new sidewalk and painting tires to make a children's playground. Through the arduous work and the beating sun, I was able to truly bond with not only my fellow volunteers, but also all the people in the community. I was able to exercise and practice my Spanish with the young girls from the local community, who incessantly hugged me and made me feel like a part of their society. Aside from the work, I also learned a lot about the importance of the environment and the significance of water conservation. GLA Costa Rica's Spanish Service Adventure gave me a memorable experience filled with work, excursions, and new relationships but also taught me lessons that I intend on teaching to others in my community.

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Year Completed