Reaching Out of My Boundaries

Growth: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 5
Safety: 5

I first began my travel to Lima on a 7 hour flight alone from Miami, Florida. I thought at first when arriving in Cuzco I would for sure get lost, but it was great because before I had even left we were all given matching t-shirts. These shirts made it easy to identify if they were part of the GLA program. Later when we arrived at our hotel, we were all brought inside and shown our rooms. The service at the hotel was amazing. They provided our towels, food, and even washed our clothes. It was nice being at the hotel because the Global Leadership Adventures Program had rented out the hotel. This meant that no one else had access to the hotel except us. The staff for the program was also very welcoming and kind. They were very close and wanted to really get to know you. Making friends for me was tough at first because I am kinda shy, but the environment was very welcoming and allowed me to get over being shy and make lifelong friends. At the service site, which was making a greenhouse for a school, we would all help out and during our breaks get to play soccer with the children. This was truly an amazing experience and I encourage everyone to attend any of the Global Leadership Adventure Programs.

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Yes, I would
Year Completed