TEFL Heaven Koh Chang 2014

Benefits: 5
Support: 4
Fun: 5
Facilities: 5
Safety: 5

I trained with TEFL Heaven in Koh Chang April 2014. I was well prepared by ETA as to what to do, bring and expect. I was lucky enough to be already placed and have my visa before I left New Zealand. Most people were not but that is all part of the experience and everyone got sorted in the end.

Ko Chang is a beautiful place with heaps to see and do. The accommodation was in a great location and was fine as long as you don't mind ants and lizards...if you do mind ants and lizards then don't come to Thailand. The course was hands on and practical with a little bit of theory and prepares you as well as you can be prepared to go into a Thai classroom. Our trainers were amazing and gave us so much encouragement, support and vital resources. They really went above and beyond and from what I have heard most TEFL Heaven trainers seem to be like that.

I was placed with Echo English in a fantastic school that was really organised and really cared about children's learning. To some extent this seemed the exception not the rule but it is all part of the experience. Anyone who gave teaching and adapting to a new culture their best shot and had realistic expectations had an absolute blast and a life changing experience.

As long as you are realistic, flexible and openminded you will have an incredible experience you won't forget in a hurry. TEFL Heaven is a good choice for a training provider because the course is face to face, you meet some lovely people, get eased into living a new culture in a fun and social way, they deal with a lot of the red tape and have a point of contact thought your time in Thailand.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed