Incredible experience!

Growth: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 5
Safety: 5

I was a part of the Children of Africa program in Ghana with GLA this past summer, and I can honestly say this program was exactly what I was looking for. Both the local and international staff made our well-being their top priority, and were incredibly caring to every student. We were broken up into personalized "mentor groups" to process our experience, undergoing many reflective leadership and teambuilding activities to supplement our service projects in primary schools and the local clinic. Mentors became our friends, our role models, and our educators, and their guidance through this eye opening experience is something I can't write enough praise about. This was not the typical "high school travel" program; everyone came with a purpose, and we were able to come together to work towards a beautiful goal as a family. We were able to live WITH the people in the middle of a community, rather than just being ambiguous American volunteers detached from the local people. I never once felt unsafe or worried while in Ghana; GLA made sure all of the students felt comfortable when embarking on this off the map experience in a developing country. I can't say enough about how much I fell in love with Ghana and our little community in Anloga. Going on this journey is something every teenager should do if they have the chance to. While these types of teen service experiences are offered by many programs, GLA Ghana shows excellence in responsible voluntourism for high schoolers, working with the community to make a difference in some small way by educating students in development work and Ghanaian culture. This program is incredible, and GLA helps you every step of the way. I could say so much more about the program and my unforgettable memories, but every single student will take away something different and indescribably special from this experience on their own. If anyone has any questions, check out the GLA Ghana Facebook page to get in touch with alumni like me and see all the wonderful resources GLA makes available. Thank you!

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed