TEFL Krabi

Benefits: 4
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Facilities: 5
Safety: 4

The Krabi programme was fantastic and well organised and the place its self was absolutely fantastic. The course was so much fun and you will make friends that you will keep throughout your time in Thailand.

I stayed in my school for 6 months and I was placed in Anubarn Lopburi. My school day started at 7.45 and finished at 5.30, even though this seems like a long day half of the day was made up for teaching and the other half for preparation and marking. This meant that I never had any work to do outside of the school gates which for a teacher is practically unheard of. I started my day preparing students for various competitions which the rest of the school attend assembly then at 8.00 the school day started. Each teacher is given a form room and through out the semester you will get to know these students very well. My school was a mini english programme and I taught P4-6 and extra curricular lessons to P1-2. The school year much like the UK has special events such as sports day and christmas show which I helped the pupils prepare for, which was such a good experience.

My province Lopburi was 2 and a half hours from Bangkok and is well known for its monkey temple and sunflower fields. It was a fantastic place to live and after a while you really felt a part of the community.

I really enjoyed my time in Thailand both the teaching and the TEFL course and would encourage anyone to take part in this programme.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed