A Life Changing Australian Adventure

Academics: 4
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 5
Safety: 5

I will forever be grateful for the CAPA Study Abroad program for offering such an amazing experience. I recently completed a fall semester study abroad in Sydney, Australia. I was able to hone my time management skills as I juggled coursewor, a part-time internship at drinks Association in Chatswood, and personal travel. After returning from my study abroad, I feel that I am able to add more valuable input in class discussions. I created long lasting ties with my co-workers at my internship site and took part in amazing travel opportunities to the Gold Coast and Cairns. I was busy and found I had to put n more work than originally anticipated, but nothing worthwhile comes easy! I would do another Study Abroad in a heartbeat; it is truly a life changing experience!

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Yes, I would
Year Completed