Highly reccommended

Benefits: 4
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Facilities: 4
Safety: 5

I have been working in Hungary since August and I have nothing but wonderful things to say about my experience working with CETP. When I first considered applying for the program I was concerned about the seemingly high fee that the program charges. After all, we don't make a lot of money working here. However, the peace of mind and support that comes with teaching with CETP has been invaluable. I have always felt supported and cared for by Mary, Hajni, and Hildie and they have always been available to answer my questions.

The fee includes a week long orientation which was really wonderful. Honestly, I was leery about spending a week in a hostel with a bunch of strangers but I must say I met some wonderful people while I was there, people who have since become great friends. The hostel we stayed in was lovely and we were offered classes in Hungarian language, culture, and teaching methods. We also had plenty of free time to explore the city of Budapest and were treated to two lovely dinners.

If I had to offer one piece of advice to anyone considering applying for the program it would be to be honest with both yourself and CETP about what you want out of your time abroad. The women of CETP are wonderful but they are not mind readers. For instance, I was originally offered placements in either a town or a small city in different areas of Hungary. I talked with Mary about my options and told her that if it was possible I really hoped to be placed in a High School in Budapest. Fortunately, CETP was able to find one and I am so happy that I said something. Think about what it is that you really want. I personally wanted access to urban life. However, I have a close friend in the program who wanted to get away from it all and absolutely loves her placement in a tiny village. Be reasonable but also, you know yourself best, don't accept a placement that you don't think will work for you.

Also be aware that peoples' experiences vary greatly. I have friends who have loved their time here in Hungary and friends who were dissapointed with either their school, living situation, or town.

In my experience, my Hungarian colleagues have been wonderful. They have invited my into their lives and constantly go out of their way to help me with everything from finding a good cup of coffee to translating phone calls. My students too are wonderful and I really enjoy working with them every day.

That being said, it is a lot of work. I teach 22 classes per week and spend a good amount of my free time planning lessons or grading papers. This may vary for elementary school teachers but remember that while you should definitely take advantage of the citites' nightlife and the travel opportunities that you will surely have, you are coming here for a very real job.

Finally, other reviewers have said that we don't make enough money and by Western standards it is absolutely true. I make roughly $550 USD per month after taxes. However, it is the same amount that my Hungarian coworkers make and I also have the benefit of free housing and utilities. The cost of living here is much lower and it is more than enough money to live on. Yes, you need to budget if you want to do any major traveling but I have been out of the country at least once per month and only had a small amount of savings with me when I arrived so it is possible. Also, tutoring opportunities are usually available if you want to supplement your income.

To sum up, I highly suggest working with CETP. They will be happy to answer any questions you have before you even fill out the application and will be with you every step of the way. If you'd like to know more about my experience, please don't hesitate to send me your questions.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed