Housing: 4
Support: 5
Fun: 4
Value: 5
Safety: 5

Coming to Australia was really the best choice I've made. Without AAG it wouldn't have been nearly as great as it has been. I had no idea where to start in terms of staying for a long time and really had too many specific questions that needed to be answered, so i couldn't Google them. AAG helped me with all of that. to start, they answered any questions about moving over to OZ and really guided me through the visa process. To top if off they found me the most amazing job at the Westin in the middle of Melbourne's CBD. I don't think i would have had a chance at landing this job without them. The location couldn't have gotten any better and as a potential Hospitality Major working here gave me invaluable experience that I can put toward my studies.By having a job before I landed, I wasn't worried about where my next paycheck was and knew I wouldn't have to worry to much about money, this left me with plenty of time to explore the city and the food! I'm about 6 months in and love this place much more than i could have ever anticipated...I don't ever want to leave!

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would