There's no place like Oz

Academics: 4
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 4
Safety: 5

In Australia, I was able to have a full time internship with a physical therapist. I got a good feel for the ins and outs of the typical day of a manual and orthopedic physical therapist. I was able to volunteer with my supervisor and assist in the treatment of athletes participating in 111km canoe race at the various check points. I went to two classes that were held on the same day, so I only had to go to campus on Wednesdays. I took The Global City: Sydney, and I recommend this class in any location because our teacher took us on tours and taught us politics, history and interactions of local social groups. In my free time I was able to go to the beach, go on coastal walks and enjoy all of the fun social things Sydney had to offer. This time was beautiful, and I was the happiest I have ever been.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed