6 months in Ayers Rock, i would of stayed longer if i could of

Housing: 5
Support: 4
Fun: 4
Value: 5
Safety: 5

i am really liking the program with alliance abroad

i emailed them with asking them a couple questions one day because i was unsure about coming to Australia. i got a call back from rose who is unfortunately not there any more but she helped me out in any way possible answering any questions i had and when i sent her an email even after office hours i would get an email back right away. that is what sold me on alliance abroad is there will to help me out before i had even booked my plane ticket or applied for my visa.

when you arrive in Sydney they will put you up in a hostel for two nights, i was in wake up hostel. and it was the funnest hostel i had so many good times there and made lots of friends in just two days, not to mention there is an excellent bar just beside the hostel which took lots of my money :p

i then flew to Ayers Rock, they will pick you up from the airport and you go through your orientation. i was working as a porter at sails in the desert, 5 star hotel and loved every second of it!

this was an awesome 6 months they have a great front office team and good atmosphere to work in. the porter team is the best team there by the way ;)

you live in the staff accommodation which is about a 20 min walk to work. they call it "share share" this type of accommodation is for all entry level positions. you have 2 people on one side and 2 on the other with a kitchen and bathroom in the middle to share.

staff meals are so good there. you get a meal while you work. and the new 10 day menu is excellent!

i will never forget the amazing sunrises and sunsets, and the best yet is the stars the Australian sky out in Uluru is something like you have never seen before and words can not describe it

i also got to climb Ayers Rock and that was the best hike/ climb ive done yet, i also went to kings canyon which is a three hour drive away and the canyon edge walk is so amazing. if you love the outdoors you will love Ayers Rock

you can also do a couple of walks through kata tjuta which is another rock formation there and the views you see from the walks are amazing

i went skydiving here, very scary but well worth it and would do it again in a heart beat!

as you can see there is lots to do in your down time and there is more than what i have listed. i got to see it all while i was there, ayers rock is an experience i will never forget

im now addicted to working in remote locations because the people are great, the work is good, and most importantly you get to work in some of the most beautiful places around the world. city life is boring ;)

Ayers Rock is a great place to make money and was one of my incentives to go there. you have your full time job and you can also multi hire around the resort for some extra money

im now doing my farm work in Queensland in order to get my second visa. it will be a long time before i return to Canada in July 2016. i love it here. next plan on getting a job on an island somewhere off the Queensland coast

i want to thank the alliance abroad crew. you have all helped me out through emails and calls. and you will be getting more reviews from me on each place i work at!

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