Nothing more than a Pay-for-Placement Scheme

Benefits: 2
Support: 1
Fun: 1
Facilities: 1
Safety: 5

CETP really is nothing more than a for-profit company that charges teachers to be placed in schools. Those with good placements seem to enjoy their experience. In fact, it was the positive reviews that I read on here that led me to contact the organization last Nov. I was offered what appeared to be a great deal, a very significant discount, if I came immediately for a mid-semester replacement.
I was told I'd be "essentially lead teacher" at a bilingual kindergarten in the Buda hills and would have a centrally located apartment in the city. I was also told I'd have the same standard provisions in their general contract, i.e. Hungarian national teacher's wages/benefits, help getting permits, a bank account, health insurance, etc.
I arrived to discover the job was teaching assistant (nanny) to two Hungarian teachers that speak no English. In fact, no one in my classroom speaks English or cares to learn. Aside from a 15-minute circle time that I had to fight for, English is not spoken in the school. Since day 1, my primary job has been supervising toileting activities (which includes wiping each child after their bm's). The Hungarian teachers that I support say 'good morning' and 'goodbye', but otherwise do not acknowledge my presence.
Additionally, the school is not in Budapest but a village west of the city. Upon arrival, I was told my apartment fell through. After a week in a hotel, I was told the school director looked at more than 2 dozen apartments before finding the place they put me (which, I later discovered just happened to be owned by her husband). I have a 1 hour commute each way, am 45 minutes for the central area of the city, and have to walk more than 1/2 mile just to reach the bus stop. As a Kindergarten employee, I work 8 hour days (so 10 hours including commute).
A week after I arrived, I was told Kindergarten contracts are 6 weeks longer than others and I had to stay until end of July. My resident visa, which didn't arrive until 4 days before my tourist visa was set to expire, ends on my last day (which means I have to leave Hungary immediately). CETP is very vague about salary because teachers in the program receive a range of pay. Over a month ago, I discovered that I'm not even making the minimum national teacher's wage and, in fact, am barely making above Hungarian minimum wage. After initially doing some double-talk to justify my low wage, CETP said I'd start getting paid more...but it didn't actually happen. Moreover, I am paid in cash (so no bank account) and have yet to see any documentation of taxes paid on my behalf.
I could go on, but I've covered the most egregious points. CETP has not been helpful at all. Hajni, the in-country director, has actually lied to me so many times that I've now insisted all communication must be in writing. Twice CETP said I could transfer, only to later change their minds when a potential replacement backed out. Despite charging exorbitant fees to teachers, CETP places the schools' needs first. Oh, and if you want to leave, the schools will try to recoup all the taxes/benefits/rent costs that they claim to have spent.
There are many country-wide EFL programs in Europe (e.g. Spain, France, Georgia) that pay more and don't charge fees to teachers. If you really want Hungary and are willing to take the risk and pay the fee, be sure to speak to a former teacher at your potential placement. If there are none available (as was the case for my school), there's probably a good reason. Don't expect honest answers from CETP. They make a lot of money from this racket, and they have every intention of continuing to do so.

Would you recommend this program?
No, I would not