Travel to Australia with AAG

Housing: 5
Support: 4
Fun: 2
Value: 4
Safety: 5

Living in Sydney has been an awesome experience so far and coming over with AAG was definitely the right decision. They have been great at getting back to me with answers to any question that I have had and its been a big advantage already having a job lined up upon arrival. Sydney is amazing there are so many different little suburbs that cater to all different types of people and interests, from artsy to beach bumb to hipster to city business life there is somewhere for everyone. The one difficulty that I have had is with the housing. Its hard to get that set up before you come and it takes a while to find a place after you have been here. I found out afterwards from talking to people in the program that most end up staying in hostels for the first 3-4 weeks before moving out. while its possible to find a place sooner than that. If I was to do it over again I would just plan on staying in a hostel for 2 weeks while I got settled and found a place I was happy with.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would