Highly Recommended!

Benefits: 4
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Facilities: 5
Safety: 5

Teaching abroad in Hungary through CETP is one of the best decisions I have made for both my professional and personal development. From the beginning, Mary Rose and Hajni were extremely supportive and offered assistance both before and during my stay in Hungary. I will always remember the first Skype conversation I had with Mary where I instantly became interested in pursuing this rare opportunity because of her great enthusiasm for the program as well as for the country of Hungary itself. Her descriptions of the community she entered long ago as an English teacher in Hungary inspired me to take the leap out of my comfort zone and into the world of international education.
As a certified, working elementary school teacher in the United States, I voiced my interest early on in developing myself professionally during my time in Hungary. Mary was quick to discuss the current openings available in the program and was able to identify the program that would work best for me. I worked for a program called “The Foundation” in Budapest, which is a program specifically for teachers who are certified. As I began to put together my paperwork, Mary continued to be extremely supportive, answering questions as they arose. I could email or call Mary anytime during the process and found that she was extremely efficient and helpful in her responses.
Mary also put me in contact with Jennifer, a teacher already teaching in Budapest through CETP. Jennifer provided valuable advice and I knew immediately that I could ask her anything about her experience or about CETP and would receive honest information in return. Jennifer’s familiarity with the CETP process, the city of Budapest, and the challenges of living in a foreign country was impressive and gave me a better understanding of the adventure I had chosen for myself. Her personable demeanor and sense of humor instantly eased the anxiety I had about picking up my comfortable life and moving to another country, which I knew next to nothing about.
Arriving in Budapest felt almost like an out-of-body experience. I was jet-lagged, anxious, and had absolutely no idea what to expect for the next 10 months of my life. When I landed Budapest I was greeted at the airport by Mary, Hajni, and a handful of other CETP’ers. While this was the first time I had met Mary and Hajni, their kindness and smiles made me feel as though I had known them for a lifetime. Myself and the other CETP’ers in the group were quickly led to an airport shuttle provided by Mary and Hajni and we were brought to our hostel in downtown Budapest. I can still remember the orientation in Budapest as one of my favorite parts of my experience in Hungary. CETP orientation was filled with information on Hungarian geography, cultural norms, and teaching expectations. Some of the cultural norms that I learned during orientation were essential to my integration into Hungarian culture. For example, I learned from Mary and Hajni that problems MUST be voiced in Hungary. They told us over and over to be vocal about issues that we encounter in order to be helped. Without question, every time I asked for help in Hungary, whether it was an issue I had with my flat or an inquiry about Hungarian health insurance, I was helped.
Orientation was also an unforgettable experience for me because it helped me to make the friends I would spend a great deal of time with while in Hungary. The friends I met through the CETP program became my travel companions and support system during this unique experience. I met some of the people I still consider my best friends today during that week of Orientation.
I taught third grade in a primary school in the heart of Budapest. From the beginning, I was welcomed by both my students and Hungarian colleagues. I worked with a Hungarian co-teacher and taught English through subjects such as Science, Mathematics, Art, and Music. I learned new teaching techniques from my teacher and shared my own strategies with her in order to create a positive learning environment for our students. The students were eager to learn and made coming to work each day very enjoyable. Outside of my 24 in-class hours, I also spent many hours a week planning engaging lessons for my students. The number of hours I spent each week was dependent on the skills and difficulty of the tasks I chose to create or implement.
Hajni’s support during my CETP experience was definitely worth the financial cost of the CETP program. When a group of my friends and I had our rental car broken into on a trip out of the county, Hajni was quick to offer her assistance. Hajni met us promptly upon our return to Budapest and used her Hungarian to ensure that we would not be charged for any damages due to our earlier purchase of zero-liability insurance. Acting as our Hungarian mother, Hanji asked us repeatedly if we were all okay and if there was anything else should could help us with before leaving the rental car facility.
Finally, I cannot express how grateful I am to Hajni for her support and guidance while I dealt with some unexpected health issues during my time in Hungary. The first time I called Hajni voicing a concern I had over my health, she dropped everything she was doing, came to my flat, and took me to see a reputable doctor immediately. The comfort of having a familiar, nurturing figure like Hajni to support me during this process was absolutely worth my investment in the CETP program. I can say with confidence that I cannot imagine my experience in Hungary without the unwavering support of the CETP staff.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed