My life changing South African experience

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 4
Value: 5
Safety: 5

Throughout the duration of my five weeks spent in South Africa I had the pleasure of teaching a class of 0-3 year olds at Babes Educare in the township of Du Noon. These were some of the most affectionate children I have ever encountered in my entire life. I woke up every morning excited to arrive at the school knowing that as soon as I cracked open the front door I would be bombarded with an endless amount of hugs and kisses as the kids chanted “teacher! teacher!” I will never forget my first day at the crèche- I had absolutely no idea what I was doing… Taming the classroom was way harder than I ever expected. The principal of the school heard the ruckus from outside the classroom and as soon as she entered, the kids immediately scurried to their seats and threw on their most pleasant and innocent smiles- they had such a genuine admiration for her. She explained to me the dynamics of the classroom; 5 students on the reading carpet, 6 students with the building blocks and 6 students with the toys. Easy enough, right? Well, it took some time, but after about a week and a half of attempting to master my “angry face” I finally gained some respect. Every day was truly an adventure with these hooligans, they never failed to make me laugh until I had tears strolling down my face. After five weeks you can only imagine the connection I formed with each and every one of my students- I never thought it would be so hard to say goodbye. On my last day of project, the principal visited my classroom once again… this time, as opposed to helping me control the kids, she came to inform me of what an incredible job I had done working with them. She recognized how much I loved them and said she’s never seen anything like it. She wished me safe travels and hoped that I would return to Cape Town in the near future. This warmed my heart more than you will ever know. My time spent in Cape Town, was unlike anything I have ever experienced. I will never forget the feeling of utter bliss that filled my entire body when I would return to the hostel after a work day. Knowing that I was making an impact on these children’s lives was enough to satisfy me. I will be returning to Cape Town hopefully this December and I cannot wait to watch my students continue to grow and excel in all of their endeavors.

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