Adventures in Sydney

Academics: 4
Support: 5
Fun: 4
Housing: 5
Safety: 5

While abroad I was doing a 6 credit internship. The CAPA staff did an amazing job at matching an internship to my major, interests, and it was even walking distance from my home. I learned so much from doing an internship in another country. The administrations in Sydney were very helpful. They were all quick to respond to emails and made us all aware of any resources we might need. They also kept us up to date on any activities that we might be interested in, in sydney and made sure we didn't forget to do our assignments.While studying abroad I was lucky enough to participate in the homestay option. This made it a little bit harder to always keep up with the other students, but this was an amazing way to learn more about the countries culture and see just really how people on the other side of the world live! I felt very integrated since I did the homestay. I also spent some time volunteering in Sydney, which was an amazing way to meet the locals and learn more about the culture. It was especially easy since there was no language barrier. Although things may have seemed very similar to the states, getting involved was a great way to realize and appreciate the differences. Although it sounds kind of cheesy I learned a lot about myself while being abroad. I have always been a fairly independent person but that really gets put to the test when you are in a foreign country where you don't know anyone. I would say it helped me grow up a bit and learn some good life skills, like how to take the public transport! I also learned a lot about working in an international company. I had lots of responsibilities at my internship and learned how to balance my time seeing a new country while getting my work done. This was an amazing experience and I would do it all over again if I could.

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Yes, I would