The cliché made into reality

Impact: 3
Support: 4
Fun: 3
Value: 5
Safety: 5

I came to South Africa knowing I had to be there for three months. In the beginning everything was overwhelming. You never really know what it is, before yogurt there, you know? but i was only positively surprised. After a few weeks, you start feeling very home. You make friends you would't think possible, and the work with this kids is Amazing. Cape Town itself is quite extraordinary, which you're going to realize really fast. But it would never have been the same, if i hadn't been volunteering. You get to see the other side of all the beautiful nature and the sweet food. The experiences you get with the other volunteers gives you a friendship, you can't compare with anything else. The time you spent with the kids makes you happy and sad at the same time. But this is the kind of thing you can't write down, you have to go down there to see it yourself. When I think back now, i know, that I learned more from them and this trip, than i could never give back to the kids I went down to help. Expensive, indeed, but you can never calculate the kids and the love you get, in money. Sounds cliché? But this is my story. And it changed my life forever. hopefully something changed a little for the kids as well.

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Year Completed