Iringa, Tanzania-July 2015

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

Earlier this year I decided that this summer I wanted to do something medicine related where I could help others as well as further my experiences in this field. That was when I came across GapMedics. They were the first company that offered what I was looking for in terms of hospital work but also focused on people around my age. After watching some of their amazing videos, I booked my trip for 2 weeks in Iringa, Tanzania (one of their over 18s projects).
From the very beginning you are guided through every step, first with the payments and preparations, but also once you get to the country.
The accommodation is amazing, the staff becomes part of your little "family" and the friendships you make are genuine and probably those that will last a lifetime.
But most importantly, the experience you gain at the different hospitals is priceless. Some of the things you are able to do whilst on placement you wouldn't even dream of doing back at home until your last years of Medicine. What shocked me the most was that the doctors there really want you to learn and better yourself, even if you have no experience in doing things like taking blood pressure or putting in an IV, they let you try because "If you don't try it, when are you going to learn?".
By the end of my 2 week placement, I didn't want to come back home, because in Tanzania I had found a surrogate family that made me feel happy and secure whilst doing what I loved the most- being able to help others. I'd definitely do it again in a heartbeat, but I'd stay longer this time!

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Yes, I would
Year Completed