Gap Medics, Morogoro, Tanzania

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

Firstly, this program changed me as a person and completely changed my outlook on life. How? Well you have to experience it to understand it but some of the things you will see in the hospital will make you appreciate being alive. Having said that, my placement in Morogoro was the best two weeks of my life without a doubt. You will fall in love with all of the staff in the Forest House, with all of the friends you will make and with the country! The staff go above and beyond what they are required to do to enable you to have an awesome time! One stag member spoke to an old friend and made arrangements to get me an iPhone charger (not an easy ask in Africa!) when mine broke! Do not underestimate how much you will love the staff and other students. I cried for half an hour straight when everyone left for the airport (I was on a flight the next day).

Next, you will become so so so close to everyone there. You all see some horrific stuff together and also have the best time together - you will feel like you've known them for your whole life.

The Forest House in Morogoro is gorgeous and the food is fantastic! You will go in the pool at least once a day it's the best thing to do after a tiring morning at placement! Going into town often is a must too, and make sure you go to the tailors in town.

If you want a life-changing experience where you'll meet some of the most inspiring and amazing people and will also get a pretty nice tan then this is the place for you! Also it helped me realise that I want to do medicine and has made me much more confident in everything that I do! Don't be scared, jump in and you will have the time of your life!!!!

Email me and questions/worries I'm happy to answer :

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Yes, I would
Year Completed